Human Impact Story


God encouraged the translation team during the project process 

We were founding a new place to continue our work, since we needed to move out from our place caused by government registration issue. It was not only an issue of place but also an issue of our future. However, by God’s grace we found a new place in same compound where we worked. And through this new place we became more stable emotionally and spiritually. We became more trust God and had conviction of His guidance.  Till now, this new place seems much better than before in terms of focusing on our translation work. And we praise God.



Someone responded to the Scripture in a checking session. there was a passage that was meaningful to this specific person did they discover

Psalms 127:1,2 (NET08/ This translation is near to our translation)

If the LORD does not build a house,

then those who build it work in vain.

If the LORD does not guard a city,

then the watchman stands guard in vain.

It is vain for you to rise early, come home late,

and work so hard for your food.

Yes, he can provide for those whom he loves even when they sleep.

While we were getting checking from our reviewers, one group was very much impressed by this verses. Since they thought all the fruit of life is from our hard working, this verse made them understand that without God’s help we cannot get anything. And even God is the one who can provide His beloved ones his necessary while he is sleeping. So this verse made the people of the group understand that they need to be with God in their normal life and fully trust God even at the moment of when they cannot do anything.



terms or concepts were difficult to find the right word for in the local language. explain how found a solution.

Psalms 30:11 (ESV11) You have turned for me my mourning into dancing;

While we were translating this verse, we realized that we do not have the word only for dancing. For the word of dancing we are using the word of “play”. So according to the context it can be understood as play or as dancing. However, in this verse since there is no other supporting word to clearly show this meaning as dancing. It will just be understood as play and it is very awkward. So we tried to solve this issue. And we found out one good solution like this. We have a song genre called Rahra which is usually sung with local drum and dance in joy. So we translated like this, “ you have turned my mourning into Rahra.



translated Scripture used among the churches, local ministries, or other groups

One of the volunteers shared his testimony, “I didn't read the Bible at first, but now I read the Bible every day. My son used to reading Urdu Bible(official language), but when he saw me reading the Chakhi Gujarati translated the Bible, he too started reading it instead of urdu bible since it is easier than urdu bible.  And he brought Chakhi Gujarati Bible to Hostel to continue reading it.  I'm so glad to become volunteers, it benefited me and my family so much spiritually.’’

  • prayer
  • Thanks God we have been shift to another office and working very well within us.
  • Keep praying for the issue of government registration.
  • Since chakhi team has been separated from KCDA, our system has been changed. And two people from SLDP joined in chakhi team.
  • Please pray for us to adjust in this new system and to have unity in the Lord.
  • Please pray for our consultant checking in March.
  • Translation example

ايَ ڌروازون! پوتا نان ماٿان اُونسان ڪرو!

ايَ ڌروازون! تمين زين هميشان ٿِي سو! اُوگھڙِي زائو!

ايٽليَ ميۿما وارو ٻاۮشا آويَ۔

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